Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Holiday Angst

So I was thinking today about why I'm so rarely disappointed on my birthday, but Mother's Day bit me in the butt.

Here's what I've come up with: Mother's Day is about what you do, birthdays are about who you are.

Not everyone gets celebrated on Mother's Day. Fathers don't. They have their own day. Kids don't. Just women who have kids. They had to do something to get their prize. So the festivities on that day (if there are any) are about recognizing the sacrifices and tender gestures that mothers offer their progeny. It may be nothing more than the fact that this is the woman who taught us to tie our shoes, make chocolate chip cookies, or offer to take people's coats at the door. It may be as profound as being the woman who walked you through a traumatic life season or defended you when you were betrayed. The nature of motherhood runs the gamut, but the day recognizes the efforts and accomplishments of those women who have reproduced.

Birthdays, on the other hand, simply celebrate the fact that you are. Congratulations! You were born! Everyone gets that. No expectations to live up to in order to merit a card or a party. No requirements of productivity. Wit, intelligence, physical prowess, and skill are superfluous. You get a birthday just because you're breathing. Nicely done.

How does God love us - for what we do or for who we are? Yep. Birthdays. We came into this world so He loves us. Period. I can jump up and down and spit nickels, or do a back flip 360, but it won't impress Him. I'm His and that's all it takes for Him to attach His affection to me. He made me and even though many days He may not be impressed with my accomplishments, He loves me. Oh, how He loves me.

Sigh. I can't wait til it's my birthday.

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