Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dressing Room Trick

This post has ABSOLUTELY no spiritual content whatsoever. But I have experienced such liberation and happiness in the discovery I'm about to share with women that it does, in fact, approach biblical proportions.

In the past few trips to the store for blue jeans, bras or bathing suits (the terrible trifecta, in my opinion), I have discovered a little trick that has completely transformed my self-image and ability to objectively decide on a purchase. Drum roll, please.

When trying on a potential clothing item, I turn away from the mirror in the dressing room until I am completely ready to "present". In other words, I don't look at myself in the mirror until I will see what others will see. In so doing I bypass the unflattering contortions it takes to get into said garments as well as gazing upon the less than perfect body parts that no one but me sees anyway.

Sometimes, when the dressing room has multiple mirrors (who is that good for anyway!), I have to close my eyes to accomplish this little feat of self-deception, but it's totally worth it. And I'm telling you, it has been nothing short of transformational in my shopping experience. No more self-loathing. No more berating myself for not strengthening and toning my core. Just deciding if I'm going to love wearing what I'm trying on or not. Bliss.

I thought about keeping this secret to myself, but I just couldn't. I shared it with my mom recently when we were shopping and she agreed. There were no tears from either of us that day. So keep it to yourself or share it with your sisters and friends. I'm walking into the clothing department of my choice with my head held high this summer, and I hope you will too.

1 comment:

  1. Umm... this is so good for me to hear. I just discovered I can fit into a pair of jeans that have been too big for me for about 1.5 years and I am not very pleased with this accomplishment. With summer coming, I'm dreading shopping/trying on. UGH! I will try this trick from now on. Thank you for sharing!
