Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Does anyone else see the irony in this package that was delivered to my house yesterday?

Fragile, yes. Was it handled with care? Hard to say.

It reminds me of a movie I saw part of while surfing channels. A woman was fleeing a domestic abuse situation and she was asking a police officer what to do. He suggested a restraining order. She asked, "What do I do with it if he comes around? Hit him with it?"

Just because there are instructions to be careful with something doesn't mean it will happen, does it? (Anyone have kids and glass coexisting in their house?) Just because we follow the rules doesn't mean bad things won't happen. Just because we ask someone to be gentle with our feelings doesn't mean they won't break our hearts. And just because we get in touch with our deepest longings or pain doesn't mean God will make everything happen immediately and the way we like it.

We may ask God consistently for children and doubt His goodness when, month after month, there's new evidence of Him saying "no". We may ask God for a spouse to show more affection or come to church with us, but nothing changes. We may come to terms with bitterness or pride or selfishness or anger and ask God to release us from it, only to have an awkward confrontation with someone and feel even worse.

Who failed? Did God let us down? Is He still trustworthy? Or has my discomfort compromised His goodness? Have I sacrificed His character to prove myself right?

God asked Job, "Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?" (Job 40:8) It's what we do when we tell God what we want and become angry with Him when He doesn't come through or we get hurt. He promises to give us what we need; not everything we want. And He is good no matter what.

So we can put the "Fragile: Handle With Care" signs on our hearts and on our lives, but life happens. We may still have holes punched in our sides and get broken. But there is a Redeemer, and His grace is sufficient for us in all circumstances. Thanks be to God!

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