Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Motivation For Obedience

Ever since I was little I've had a penchant for following the rules and meeting expectations. I'm not a superstar; I just like to know the parameters for any given situation so I can go along. If I'm in charge of some people along the way, so much the better.

Recently I've been pondering the reasons why I obey God. It has to be partially because I'm wired this way. First-born tendencies and all. But there must be more. Much of my life as a Christian I think I've obeyed God in order to protect myself from punishment or negative consequences. I have since discovered that this is neither biblical nor practical. No amount of obedience or hoop-jumping can protect us from life's worst case scenarios. God doesn't operate that way. And while it's true that we can avoid some negative consequences and a healthy dollop of regret by adhering to certain behavioral standards, no amount of Scripture memorization or hours clocked teaching Sunday School is guaranteed to protect me from cancer or an earthquake.

Or someone else's choices.

Often in life we are directly affected by someone else's choices so our behavior only protects us from consequences insofar as we eschew intimate relationships like friendship or marriage. This is also not biblical as our God is deeply committed to relationships.

So if I'm not protecting myself or earning God's love by behaving myself and following all the rules, what's the point?

God Himself is my reward.

When I pursue holiness, boldly facing the ugliest in me and in my circumstances, regardless of how raw they may be, I get God. I hear His voice confirm my identity. I feel His foundational truth seep into the depths of my soul. And I experience peace in His presence, knowing that there are no barriers to our relationship. Everything is out on the table, including my bitterness, my resentment, my unforgiving attitude toward others, and my broken heart and disappointment. And He surrounds me, fills me and leads me into a place of rest for my soul.

It doesn't happen all at once and it's hard work. But faith built over the years reminds me that His unchanging nature and overwhelmingly powerful love for His children will sustain me. His Spirit will intercede for me with words and groans that I can't even express myself. And He will hold me.

New revelation: I obey God because it's the right response. He loves me. Oh, how He loves me. What else can I say? What else can I do but offer this heart, O God, completely to you....

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