Saturday, June 5, 2010


These are my friends. Their husbands planted a tree for us and we had lunch. Yes, the water line for our irrigation system got broken, but look at that dogwood! It's in full bloom now and it's gorgeous.

When my sister-in-law died last summer, these families came quickest and hugged hardest. And they just keep loving us so well! They got us this tree as a reminder of things that are beautiful. Things that are vibrant. Things that endure. Life. Friendship. Love.

God has blessed me with friends that laugh and cry with me. They push back on my selfish tendencies so I don't stay the same. They show me all kinds of ways to love people. And they love God with all their hearts. We've celebrated together. We've mourned together. And we've weathered some relational tension from time to time. I am a better wife, mother, and person because of these women. And what kind of a blogger would I be if I didn't give a shout out to my peeps when I'm feelin' the love?

Colleen, Jules, Mel, Muffin - you rock my world! I am thanking God for the blessing of sunshine and friendship today. Amen!


  1. Jen, we have been so blessed to be part of your life. I thank God for your love and friendship. I love you Jenni Butz!

  2. And you thought I just wanted you to teach me things from the Bible . . . I LOVE sharing life with you! You are truly a blessing from God!:)

  3. No Jenni!!! Our lives are richer becuase of you!!!! I love you more!!!!!

  4. I posted a comment earlier but it's not here so let me just say again that I am truly blessed to have you in my life and I learn from you daily how to be a better more Godly woman!
